Norio IWASE @ Fac Math, Kyushu U (Dept Math)

Conference Web Pages:
- Former Math. Kyushu Univ. Web Portal for Researchers (in Japanese)
- PukiWiki "Ito-Niki" (in Japanese)
- My Personal Web Page (in Japanese)
- "Building-Up Differentiable Homotopy Theory 2024 in Osaka" in Osaka, Mar. 2024.
- "Building-Up Differentiable Homotopy Theory 2023 in Aizu" in Aizu, Mar. 2023.
- "Building-Up Differentiable Homotopy Theory 2020 in Shinshu" in Matsumoto, Mar. 2020.
- "Building-Up Differentiable Homotopy Theory" in Fukuoka, Mar. 2019.
- "Ibusuki Meeting on Unstable Homotopy Theory" at Ibusuki, Mar. 2011.
- 37th Symposium on Transformation Groups at Fukuoka, Nov. 2010.
- Symposuim on Homotopy Theory at Fukuoka, Nov. 2010.
- Fourth Fukuoka-Sapporo Geometry Seminar at Fukuoka, Feb. 2010.
- Third Lusternik-Schnirelmann category theory symposium (in Japanese), Nov. 2008.
- Workshop on Homotopy Theory (in Japanese) held on Mar, 2008.
- 54th All Japan Topology Symposium (in Japanese) held on Aug, 2007.
- Second Lusternik-Schnirelmann category theory symposium (in Japanese) held on 30th Oct - 2nd Nov, 2006.
- Self homotopy sets and related topics held on 16 - 18th Dec, 2002.
- Conference celebrating Professor Mitsuyoshi Kato's 60th birthday (in Japanese) held on Nov, 2002.
- Started "XeTeX Anywhere (in Japanese)" (using Okumura's scripts)
- Started "TeX Anywhere (in Japanese)" (using Okumura's scripts)
- TeX files for office work (access restricted)
- Snaps recently taken (access restricted)
- pLaTeX style files for MSJ talks (in Japanese)
- Archives (including files for XeLaTeX)
Personal Information
- PukiWiki "Activity Plan" (in Japanese)
- Staff introductory page of faculty of Mathematics
- Academic Staff Information (Educational and Research Activities)
- (pre-)Printed Articles
- Activity Record (see also Japanese version)
Lecture Notes:
- Short Course Lecture Foundations of Diffeological Spaces at Osaka Metropolitan University & the University of Ryukyus, 2023-2024 (in Japanese)
- 2016 1st semester Lecture Note on Applied Complex Annalysis Course
- Short Course Lecture Lusternik-Schnirelmann category and Topological Complexity at Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2008-2009 (in Japanese, updated: 15/Jun/2008)
- Short Course Lecture Lusternik-Schnirelmann cat and Topological Complexity at Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2008 (in Japanese, updated: 15th/Jun/2016)
- ENCOUNTER with MATHEMATICS No.39 Lusternik-Schnirelmann category "Lusternik-Schnirelmann category" and "Lusternik-Schnirelmann category and A∞-structure" (in Japanese, updated 7/Mar/2007)
- Short Course Lecture A∞ structure and L-S cat at Hokkaido University, 2006-2007 (in Japanese, updated: 5/Mar/2007)
- Extramural Course 2006 "How Many Clay Balls Do You Need?" (in Japanese, updated 26/Jul/2006)
- Graduate Course Lecture A∞ structure and L-S category part 1 (in Japanese, updated 7/Jun/2006)
- Graduate Course Lecture A∞ structure and L-S category part 2 (in Japanese, updated 7/Jun/2006)
- Graduate Course Lecture A∞ structure and L-S category - references (in Japanese, updated 7/Jun/2006)
- Short Course Lecture A∞ structure and L-S cat at Okayama University, 2004-2005 (in Japanese, updated: 9/Jan/2005)
- Short Course Lecture A∞ structure and L-S cat at Kyoto University, 2002-2003 (in Japanese, updated: 16/Mar/2003)
Adobe PDF / QuickTime Movie files prepared for talks at:
- Contact structure, Singularity, Differential equation and related topics (Toyako Culture Center) in 2010 (beamer + xelatex + xeCJK => pdf)
- Groups of Self-Homotopy Equivalences and Related Topics (Halifax, Canada) in 2008.
- Conference on "Algebraic Topology: old and new - M.M.Postnikov Memorial Conference" (Bedlewo, Poland) in 2007.
- International Conference on Algebraic Topology (Henan University, Kaifeng, China) in 2006.
- Conference on "Stable and algebraic homotopy" (Schloss Ringberg, Germany) in 2005.
- III Joint meeting Japan-Mexico in Topology and its applications (Oaxaca, Mexico) in 2004.
- International Conference on Algebraic Topology (Chinese Academy of Science, China) in 2004.
- Lusternik-Schnirelmann Category and Related Topics (Yufuin, Japan) in 2003.
- General and Geometric Topology and Related Topics (Kyoto, Japan) in 2003.
- Topology in Matsue, International Conference on Topology and its Applications Joined with Japan-Mexico Topology Symposium (Matsue, Japan) in 2002. (references added)
- Lusternik-Schnirelmann Category in the New Millennium, AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference (Mt. Holyoke College, USA) in 2001.
- JAMI'00 Algebraic Topology Meeting (Johns Hopkins University, USA) in 2000.
- Japan Mathematical Society spring meeting in 1999.
- ICM'98 Satelite International Meeting on Algebraic Topology (Angers, France) in 1998.
- Topology Seminars at Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Liverpool and Lille Universities in 1997.
- Translated essay The Ganea conjecture and recent developments on Lusternik-Schnirelmann category.(link repaired)
- Extracted translation into Japanese from the preface of Allen Hatcher's book "Algebraic Topology".