39. TBA, 2025/6/17-20 イタリア [Time in Quantum Theory 2025]
38. Quantum Rabi model and renormalized spectral zeta functions, AKN Joint Workshop, Ajou university,2024/9/26
37. Renormalized spectral zeta function of Rabi model, Mathematical Challenges in Quantum Mechanics [Online Seminars], 2024/2/21
36. Localization of a renormalized Hamiltonian in QFT by a path measure, Random Interacting Systems, Scaling Limits, and Universality, NUS , 2023/12/11
35. Mathematical Physics in the heart of Germany, Paderborn University , 2023/7/4 [HP] [ポスター]
34. Hausdorff School for Mathematics, Bonn, 2023/7 [LectureIII]
33. Hausdorff School for Mathematics, Bonn, 2023/7 [LectureII]
32. Hausdorff School for Mathematics, Bonn, 2023/7 [HP] [ポスター] [LectureI]
31. Semi-classical analysis in quantum field theory, The 43-rd International Conference on Quantum Probability and Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Yoesu, Korea, 2023/1 [HP] [プログラム]
30. Asymmetry of non-local discrete Schroedinger operators on a lattice, Mathematical Analysis and its Applications in Modern Mathematical Physics, Samarkand state univ. 2022/9/24-25 [Keynote speaker]
29. Renormalization and localization by path measures, Open Japanese-German conference on stochastic analysis and applications, University of Muenster, 2022/8/19-23
28. Angle operators and phase operators associated with 1D-harmonic oscillator, A quantum two-day meeting with Green talks, Green functions, and threshold behavior, Aalborg univ.,Denmark, 2022.4.27 [HP] [HP] [スライド]
27. Localizations of bound states of a renormalized Hamiltonian, Scattering, microlocal analysis and renormalisation, (zoom conference) Mittag-Leffler Institute, Stockholm, 2020/6/1-6/5 [Invitation] [HP]
26. Spectral analysis of QFT by path measures, 集中講義, Rennes I (フランス),2020/3 コロナウイルスで延期
25. Rabi model and spin-boson model, QM2018, USA, 2018/7/20-21 [HP]
24. Integral kernels of semigroup generated by a model in quantum field theory, 18th Workshop: Noncommutative Probability, Operator Algebras, Random Matrices and Related Topics, with Applications, Bedlewo, Poland, 2018/7 [HP]
23. Introduction of Schroedinger operators, Lectures I-IV in PNU, 集中講義, Korea,2017/10/23-26 [Note]
22. Schroedinger operators on lattice,[Second Summer School: Various aspects of mathematical physics], [Euler International Mathematical Institute], St Peterburg,Russia,2017/7/7-12 [講義録画] [Note]
21. Feynman-Kac formula and its application to quantum physics, Journee Thematique EDP: Mathematical Analysis of Interacting Quantum Systems,Rennes,France,2017/3/16 [プログラム] [Note]
20. Spin boson model and Rabi model, Aarhus Univ. Math. Phys. seminar,Denmark,2016/12/7
19. Construction of time operators associated with Schroedinger operators, PNU Math forum, Korea, 2016/12/1 [HP] [スライド]
18. Time operator associated with Schroedinger operators, QUTIS, Basque,Spain,2016/9 [HP] [スライド]
17. Analysis of ground state of quantum field theory by Gibbs measures,International Congress of Mathematical Physics(ICMP) 2015,Chile,2015/7/27-8/1 [HP] [スライド]
16. Spectrum of semi-relativistic QED by a Gibbs measure,The 51 winter school of theoretical physics(Karpacz Winter Schools in Theoretical Physics),Poland,2015/2/9-14 [プログラム] [ ポスター]
15. Functional integral approach to rigorous quantum field theory, Tunisia-日本 文化/科学技術学術会議 (TJASSST 2013), Yasmine Hammamet,Tunisia, 2013/11/15-19 [スライド].
14. Gibbs measure approach to spin-boson model, International Conference on Stochastic analysis and applications, Hammamet,Tunisia 2013/10/14-19[スライド].
13. Spectral analysis of QFT by functional integration with jump processes, The 34th Conference on Stochastic Process and their Applications 2010,大阪,2010/9/10 [HP]
12. Analysis of ground states in quantum field theory by functional integrations, The 24th Max Born Symposium,Wroclaw大,Poland, 2008/8/25-27 [HP]
11. Mini-course of Feynman-Kac formula I--IV,WPI,Wien,集中講義,2006/3/22-24 [HP]
10. Asymptotic fields and ground states of quantum field model, Open Quantum System, ESI,Wien,2005/3/14-18
9. Self-adjointness of the Pauli-Fierz model for arbitrary coupling constants, Workshop on Relativistic quantum systems and quantum electrodynamics M. F. O., Germany,2001/8/12-18
8. Nonperturbative analysis of nonrelativistic quantum electrodynamics, Workshop on Large Coulomb System M. F. O., Germany,1999/8/1-7
7. Analysis of the Pauli-Fierz model for arbitrary coupling constant, Workshop on Open Classical and Quantum Field Theory, Lille 大,France,1999/6/24-26
6. Ground states of a system interacting with a radiation field: existence,uniqueness and expression, UAB Mathematical Physics Congress 99,Alabama 大,USA, 1999/3/15-20
5. Existence,uniqueness and expression of the ground states of QED, Workshop on Schrodinger Operator,Bonn 大,Germany, 1998/9/22-25
4. On deriving classical potentials from interaction of particles and quantized fields,International Congress of Mathematical Physics(ICMP) 97, Queensland 大,Australia,1997/7/10-17 [HP] [アブストラクト]
3. Interaction of particles and fields, The World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts-96,Athens 大,Greek, 1996/7/10-17
2. Functional integral representations of the Pauli-Fierz model in QED, Sixth International Colloquium on Differential Equations, Provdiv 工科大,Bulgaria,1995/8/18-23
1. Functional integral representation of a model in QED, The 23rd Conference on Stochastic Processes and Their Applications,Singapore 国立大, 1995/6/19-23 [Bernoulli Society]
19. Hierarchy of CCR representations, Aarhus university, Denmark, 2018/10 [Math.Phys.seminar]
18. Ground state of renormalized Nelson model, Aarhus university, Math. Phys. seminar, Denmark, 2017/12/6 [Note]
17. Analysis of time operators, La Sapienza Univ. Math. Phys. seminar,Italy, 2017/2/15 [Schedule] [Abstract] [Note]
16. Threshold ground state of the semi-relativistic Pauli-Fierz Hamiltonian, Aarhus university, Denmark, 2016/2/18
15. Representation of CCR and time operators,Sfax university,Tunisia,2014/9/24
14. Non-perturbative approach to QFT, Universite de Rennes 1,France,2014/3/21
13. Spectrum of non-commutative harmonic oscillator and related models, Bologna Univ.,Italy,2013/9/17
12. Enhanced binding for quantum field models, Universite de Rennes 1,France,2013/3/14
11. Gibbs measure approach to ground states in quantum field theory, Universite d'Aix Marseilles,Luminy,Laboratoire d’Analyse,Topologie,Probabilites seminar,France,2013/3/4
10. Quantum field theory by path measures, Orsay Univ.,France,談話会,2008/10/29
9. Analysis of ground states by Gibbs measures,Loughborough Univ. UK,談話会,2008/9/17
8. Mass renormalization of nonrelativistic QED, Max Planck Institute,Munchen,談話会,2003/3/7
7. Self-adjointness of the Pauli-Fierz Hamiltonian for arbitrary values of coupling constants, Munchen 大(Ludwig Maximillian Universitat),Munchen,談話会,2001/3/29
6. Self-adjointness of the Pauli-Fierz Hamiltonian for arbitrary values of coupling constants, TU-Munchen,Munchen,談話会,2001/3/21
5. Effective mass producing ground states, Regensburg大,Germany,談話会,1999/7/9
4. Spectral analysis of non-relativistic quantum electrodynamics, TU-Munchen,Munchen,談話会,1999/6/16
3. Analysis of ground states of non-relativistic QED by functional integrals, Berlin 工科大,Berlin,談話会,1998/10/26
2. The ground states of non-relativistic quantum electrodynamics, TU-Munchen,Munchen,談話会,1998/7/8
1. The ground states of non-relativistic QED, Seminar of Algebraic quantum field theory, Hamburg 大,Hamburg,1998/7/1
. 11th Meeting of GDR DYNQUA Bordeaux, フランス, 2019/2/13-15[HP]
. La Trobe University Australia, 2015/3
. Infinite dimensional analysis and quantum physics,Leipzig,ドイツ, 1999/1/18-22
. Ecole de Physique,QFT and perspective and prospective, Les Houches,フランス,1998/6/16-26
. Dirichlet Forms and Stochastic Processes,北京,中国, 1993/10/25-31