最終更新: 2023年4月5日
2023年3月7日 (火) 16:00-17:00
- 阿部 拓郎 氏 (九州大学)
2023年1月27日 (金) 16:00-17:00
- 矢澤 明喜子 氏 (九州大学)
"The Hessian matrices of generating polynomials associated to graphs and matroids"
We consider the generating polynomials for matroids and graded Artinian Gorenstein algebras defined by the polynomials.
We study the strong Lefschetz property of the algebras and strictly log-concavity of the polynomials.
We show their properties by using the Hessian matrices of the polynomials.
This work is joint work with Satoshi Murai and Takahiro Nagaoka.
2022年12月23日 (金) 16:00-17:00
- 斎藤 毅 氏 (東京大学)
(Cotangent spaces and ramification groups of local fields)
The cotangent space at a closed point x of a smooth variety over a perfect field is m_x/m_x^2 and that at the generic point is Omega_K for the function field K.
For a discrete valuation ring A with residue field F, the cotangent space at the closed point is expected to be an extension of Omega_F by m_A/m_A^2 but such a construction is not known in the case where p is a uniformizer.
Using Frobenius-Witt differentials, we construct the Frobenius pull-back of the cotangent space. As an application, we obtain a characterization of ramification groups.
2022年12月2日 (金) 16:00-17:00
- 小谷 久寿 氏 (九州大学)
(On a generalization of Hodge correlators associated with diagrams
allowed to have loops)
Goncharov's Hodge correlators are complex numbers given as certain integrals assigned to Riemann surfaces.
The Hodge correlators can be thought of as tree part of an asymptotic expansion of a matrix model.
In this talk, we explain our consideration of a generalization of Hodge correlators associated with diagrams allowed to have loops and provide several examples.
This talk is based on a joint work with Yuji Terashima (Tohoku University).
2022年10月28日 (金) 16:00-17:00
- 鈴木 美裕 氏 (京都大学)
(Non-vanishing and sign changes of period integrals of modular forms on definite quaternion algebras)
四元数環上の保型形式のトーラス周期の絶対値の2乗と, 保型L関数の特殊値の間に, ある明示的な関係式が成り立つことはよく知られている. この研究では, 定値四元数環上の代数的保型形式に対して, 絶対値の2乗をとらないトーラス周期の値そのものの分布について考察する. 特に, トーラス周期の値と重さ半整数の正則保型形式のFourier係数が一致することから, Fourier係数の符号変化について得られた結果を紹介する. (金沢大学の若槻聡氏と, 東京都立大学の横山俊一氏との共同研究)
There is a well-known explicit equation between the square of the absolute value of toric periods of automorphic forms on quaternion algebras and the special values of automorphic L-functions. In this talk, we consider the distribution of toric periods (without taking the square of the absolute value) of algebraic modular forms on definite quaternion algebras. In particular, since the toric periods coincide with Fourier coefficients of half-integral weight modular forms, we obtain a result on sign changes of Fourier coefficients. (joint work with Satoshi Wakatsuki and Shun'ichi Yokoyama.)
2022年10月18日 (火) 17:00-18:00
- Daniel Fiorilli 氏 (Université Paris-Saclay)
“Extending the unconditional support in an Iwaniec-Luo-Sarnak family”
This is joint work with Lucile Devin and Anders Södergren.
In the work of Iwaniec, Luo and Sarnak, the Katz-Sarnak prediction for the one-level density has been confirmed in several families of holomorphic cusp form L-functions for certain test functions.
In the family of newforms of fixed even weight and squarefree level tending to infinity, Iwaniec, Luo and Sarnak proved this prediction unconditionally when the support of the Fourier transform of the implied test function is contained in the interval (-3/2,3/2), and under GRH in the extended interval (-2,2).
In this talk I will discuss how one can extend the unconditional admissible support to the interval (-1.866...,1.866...) for a weighted version of the one-level density when the level grows to infinity through prime values.
The main new tool in our analysis is the use of zero-density estimates for Dirichlet L-functions.
2022年7月15日 (金) 16:00-17:00
- 杉山 真吾 氏 (日本大学)
(On the Schwarzian derivative and equivariant functions)
There is a notion of "ρ-equivariant functions" associated with a two-dimensional representation of a Fuchsian group, which was introduced by Saber and Sebbar.
Such a function is a generalization of automorphic functions and it appears as a solution to a Schwarzian equation.
Saber and Sebbar proved the existence of ρ-equivariant functions for any Fuchsian group under a certain assumption on ρ.
In this talk, we remove their assumption on ρ and prove the existence of ρ-equivariant functions in a general setting.
For the proof, we solve a group-theoretic problem by using Schwarzian differential equations.
2022年7月1日 (金) 15:00-17:10
- 15:00-16:00 佐野 薫 氏 (同志社大学)
(Northcott numbers for the weighted Weil heights)
絶対Weil高さ関数は,Diophantus幾何の文脈において種々の有限性を証明するのに用いられる重要な道具である.与えられた代数的数の集合について,有限性が成り立つような高さの上界の下限はNorthcott 数と呼ばれる.
Vidaux-Videla 両氏により,Northcott 数がちょうど与えられた定数になるような代数的な体は存在するかという問いが立てられた.また,Pazuki-Technau-Widmer の 3 氏により,絶対 Weil 高さと相対 Weil 高さを補間する形で,重み付き Weil 高さが定義されている.今回,岡崎氏との共同研究により,重み付き高さに対して,Vidaux-Videla の問いへの完全な答え及び更なる一般化を得たので解説する.
In the field of Diophantine Geometry, the absolute Weil height function is an important tool to prove various finiteness property. For a given set of algebraic numbers, the infimum of upper bounds on heights for which the finiteness holds is called Northcott number.
Vidaux-Videla asked that whether there exists an algebraic field such that the Northcott number is equal to the given constant. Pazuki-Technau-Widmer defined weighted Weil heights interpolating absolute and relative heights. In collaboration with Okazaki, we completely answered to the Vidaux-Videla’s question and obtained a further generalization for weighted heights. In this talk, I will present the results and background.
- 16:10-17:10 岡崎 勝男 氏 (九州大学)
(Northcott numbers for the weighted heights)
前半の講演者、佐野薫氏によって述べられた重み付きWeil高さに対するNorthcott数の分布に関する主張の、以下の2つの意味での変種を紹介します:1. Grizzard氏の意味での相対版;2. 行列版。本研究は、前半の講演者である同志社大学の佐野薫さんとの共同研究です。
In this talk, I give the following two variants of the theorem about the distribution of the Northcott numbers for the weighted Weil height, which is introduced in the previous talk: 1. relative version in the sense of Grizzard; 2. matrix version. This is a joint work with Kaoru Sano.
2022年6月17日 (金) 15:00-17:10
- 15:00-16:00 土見 怜史 氏 (神戸大学)
(Special Function Theoretic Research on Zwegers' μ-Functions)
Recently, the μ-function introduced by Zwegers has been researched in view of q-difference equations. In this talk, we reconsider the μ-function as a solution of the q-Hermite-Weber equation, and describe the properties of the one-parameter extended function and its relationship to the q-Hermite polynomial.
- 16:10-17:10 渋川 元樹 氏 (神戸大学)
"Some trigonometric products"
円単数 ζ_q + ζ_q^{-1} (q ≡ 1 mod 4) の実 2 次体 Q(√q) 上での最小多項式の特殊値にあたる, いくつかの三角函数の積の値を求める.
これらは通常の実 2 次体 Q(√q) の類数公式 (Dirichlet) の“半分”(精密化) とみなせ, 特にその符号に虚2次体の類数や有理4次剰余記号等が現れる興味深い量であることを紹介する (本研究は青木美穂氏 (島根大学) との共同研究である).
We evaluate some trigonometric products which are equal to special values of the minimal polynomial of the cyclotomic unit ζ_q+ζ_q^{-1} (q ≡ 1 mod 4) over the real quadratic field Q(√q).
These special values are regarded as a “half” (i.e. more precise results) of the usual class number formula of the real quadratic field Q(√q), and their sign patterns are determined by some class numbers of imaginary quadratic fields or rational quartic residue symbols (joint work with M. Aoki (Shimane)).
2022年6月10日 (金) 16:00-17:00
- 村上 友哉 氏 (東北大学)
(Quantum invariants of plumbed homology spheres and asymptotic expansions of false theta functions)
Asymptotics of quantum invariants are important in 3-dimensional topology and are studied by methods of theory of modular forms. In this talk, I will talk about my solution of Gukov-Pei-Putrov-Vafa’s conjecture for conditional plumbed homology spheres. To deal with it, I develop a technique for asymptotic expansions, which enables us to compare asymptotic expansions of rational functions and false theta functions.
2022年5月20日 (金) 16:00-17:00 (九大数理物理セミナーとの共催)
- 杉本 祥馬 氏 (九州大学)
(On the multiplet W-algebras)
Vertex operator algebra (VOA) was introduced in the 1980s as a mathematical formulation of two-dimensional conformal field theories and is an interesting subject that relates to various areas of mathematics.
Until now, semisimple VOAs have been mainly studied, but recently, from the viewpoint of higher-dimensional quantum field theory and quantum topology, the study of non-semisimple VOAs (logVOAs) has attracted much attention.
One of the main (and almost the only) known examples of logVOA is the multiple W-algebra (associated to a simple Lie algebra g) which has been well studied when g is of type A_1.
However, the multiple W-algebra associated to a general g has a complicated structure and conventional algebraic methods do not work, so there have been no results for many years.
In this talk, the speaker will prove various basic properties of multiple W-algebras using a geometric approach.
First, we give the algebraic and geometric definitions of multiple W-algebras and show that they coincide (Feigin-Tipunin conjecture, 2010).
This allows us to use various powerful theorems in geometry for the study of multiple W-algebras.
In particular, by using a duality theorem, we construct irreducible modules, determine the G×W_k(g)-module structures, and compute the q-characters.
Finally, we discuss the relationship between the aforementioned results and quantum topology, as well as future prospects.
2022年4月27日 (水) 15:00-17:00 (2講演)
- 15:00-15:45 田島 凌太 氏 (九州大学)
(A p-adic property of mock modular forms whose shadows have complex multiplication)
fをモックモジュラー形式とし, gをそのshadowとする.
このときあるp進数αが一意的に存在し, fとαからp-adic modular formが作れることが分かっている.
gがKで虚数乗法を持ち素数pがKでsplitする場合, αが0になることが知られている.
しかしpがinertの場合, αがどのような値であるかはよく分かっていない.
Let f be a mock modular form and g denote the shadow of f.
Then there exists a unique p-adic number α and we can obtain a p-adic modular form from f and α.
When g has complex multipulication by K and p is split in K, it is known that α is not zero.
On the other hand, we don’t know much about α for an inert prime p.
The speaker proved that α is not zero when p is inert in K under certain conditions.
In this talk, I will explain the result.
- 16:00-17:00 松坂 俊輝 氏 (九州大学)
"Variations on a function of Rademacher"
Dedekind和はモジュラー群上に定義された有理数値関数であり,エータ関数の保型変換則に現れる.1892年のDedekindの仕事に由来するこの古典的な対象は,その時々で形を変えながら,現代まで多くの研究にその姿を現してきた.本講演では,Rademacher (1956) が与えたDedekind和の修正版である “Rademacher symbol” を主題として,植木(お茶の水女子大)と行った三角群上のRademacher symbolの研究や,その双曲類似について紹介したい.
Dedekind sums are rational-valued functions defined on the modular group and appear in the modular transformation laws for the eta function. This classical subject which originated in the work of Dedekind in 1892 has appeared in many studies in various forms. A theme of this talk is the “Rademacher symbol”, which is a modified Dedekind sum introduced by Rademacher in 1956. I will explain our work on the Rademacher symbol on triangle groups (with Jun Ueki) and a hyperbolic analogue of the symbol.