

Spatial AdaBoost: 例題作成プログラム

″Supervised Image Classification by Contextual AdaBoost Based on Posteriors in Neighborhoods"
by R. Nishii and S. Eguchi (2005)
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 43(11), 2547-2554.

空間データの判別を実行する Matlab ソースファイルとシミュレーションデータ がダウンロードできます.

Multispectral images with variance = 1
Multispectral images with variance = 4
Subroutine for tuning the coefficient
Subroutine for deriving neighborhood information
Spatial AdaBoost soruce file for DataGen20.mat
Spatial AdaBoost soruce file for DataGen23.mat

6 つのファイルすべてを同じディレクトリにおき, Matlab を起動して下さい。 BoostLogPost20.m か BoostLogPost23.m を実行すると計算できます。



″A Markov random field-based approach to decision level fusion
for remote sensing image classification,"
by R. Nishii (2003)
in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 41 (10), pp. 2316 - 2319.


″Contextual image fusion based on Markov random fields
and its applications to geo-spatial image enhancement"
by R. Nishii and Y. Morisaki (2002)
in Advances in Statistics, Combinatorics and Related Areas, 2002
Gulati et al. (Eds.), World Scientific, New Jersey, pp. 167 - 179.


誤差行列の評価を行う C-プログラム

This program is used in the paper
"Accuracy and inaccuracy assessments in land-cover classification",
by R. Nishii and S. Tanaka (1999)
in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 37(1), pp. 491 - 498.


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