最終更新: 2021年3月8日
2020年2月14日(金) 16:00-17:00 印刷用プログラム
- 松坂 俊輝 氏 (九州大学)
(Trinity of the Eisenstein series)
- 今から10年ほど前,金子は虚二次点に対する特異モジュライj(z)の類似として,実二次点に対する不変量val(w)を導入した.
About a decade ago, Kaneko introduced an invariant val(w) for real quadratics as an analogue of singular moduli j(z) for imaginary quadratics.
For the Faber polynomials j_n(z), it is known that the generating function of val_n(w) is close to a modular form of weight 2,
and shares a similar property with the Eisenstein series E_2. Based on Rademacher's and Ghys' works on E_2,
Duke-Imamoglu-Toth (2017) introduced the real quadratic analogue of the Rademacher symbol to study the linking numbers of modular links.
In this talk, we give answers to their questions on this new object. Moreover, the limit formulas for three types of the Eisenstein series bring new perspective to them.
2020年1月31日(金) 16:00-17:00 印刷用プログラム
- 平野 光 氏 (九州大学)
“実二次体に対するmod 2数論的Dijkgraaf-Witten不変量について”
(On mod 2 arithmetic Dijkgraaf-Witten invariants for certain real quadratic number fields)
- 近年、数論的位相幾何学における種々の類似に基き、Minhyong Kim氏は数論的Chern-Simons理論を創始し、
ある実二次体らに対してmod 2数論的Chern-Simons不変量とmod 2数論的Dijkgraaf-Witten不変量を明示的に計算する公式を示す。
In recent years, based on the analogies in arithmetic topology, Minhyong
Kim initiated to study arithmetic Chern-Simons theory, and introduced
an arithmetic analogy for totally imaginary number fields of the
Dijkgraaf-Witten invariants for 3-manifolds. In this talk, we extend Kim's
definition for any number field, by using the modified étale
cohomology groups which take real places into account. We then show
explicit formulas of mod 2 arithmetic Chern-Simons and Dijkgraaf-Witten
invariants for certain real quadratic fields. We also show a topological
analogue of our results.
2019年11月29日(金) 16:00-17:00 印刷用プログラム
- Biplab Paul 氏 (九州大学)
“Arithmetic behavior of Hecke eigenvalues of modular forms”
- One of the fundamental questions in the theory of
modular forms is : how to distinguish two modular forms. Many
answers to this question are known in the literature. In this talk,
we discuss arithmetic behavior of Hecke eigenvalues of elliptic
modular forms as well as Siegel modular forms of degree two.
Finally, we indicate how these properties can be used to answer
the above question.
2019年11月15日(金) 16:00-17:00 印刷用プログラム
- 肥田 晴三 氏 (University of California, Los Angeles)
“Local indecomposability of modular Galois representation”
- A famous conjecture by R. Greenberg asserts that a modular 2-dimensional p-adic Galois representation of a cusp form of weight larger
than or equal to 2 is indecomposable over the p-inertia group. I start with a survey of the known results and then describe a new case of
indecomposability when the modular Galois representation is a deformation of an induced representation.
2019年11月5日(火)15:30-16:30 / 16:45-17:45 @九州大学伊都キャンパス ウエスト1号館5階 C-501
通常と曜日, 時間, 会場が異なります.
- 15:30-16:30 千田 雅隆 氏 (東京電機大学)
“Perrin-Riou's conjecture for elliptic curves”
- Perrin-Riou proposed a p-adic analogue of Beilinson's conjecture which
describes a relation between special values of de Rham cohomology valued
p-adic L-functions and arithmetic invariants.
In this talk, we will introduce a reformulation of Perrin-Riou's conjecture for
elliptic curves using syntomic regulators and we will give some numerical
evidences for Perrin-Riou's conjecture including critical slope case.
This is a joint work with Masanori Asakura.
- 16:45-17:45 Winfried Kohnen 氏 (Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg)
“q-product expansions of modular functions”
- Modular functions not only have Fourier expansions, but also have q-product expansions.
Their exponents often are important to study, too relating to e.g., divisors of modular functions, the existence of η-products,
generalized modular forms and most recently to representation numbers of integers as sums of arbitrarily many squares. I intend to survey some of these topics.
2019年11月1日(金) 16:00-17:00 (代数幾何学セミナーとの共催) 印刷用プログラム
- 池田 京司 氏 (東京電機大学)
“楕円曲線の二重被覆に対する大域的プリム-トレリ定理” (Global Prym-Torelli theorem for double coverings of elliptic curves)
- 代数曲線の二重被覆射に対しプリム多様体と呼ばれる偏極アーベル多様体が構成される.
Prym variety is a polarized abelian variety constructed from a double
covering of a nonsingular projective curve. The construction defines
the Prym map from the moduli space of coverings to the moduli space
of polarized abelian varieties. We discuss the injectivity of the Prym
maps under a suitable condition on the dimension of the moduli spaces.
It is known that the Prym map is generically injective, but it is not
injective in general. In this talk, we state that the Prym maps are
injective for double coverings of elliptic curves, and explain how
the covering is reconstructed from the polarized abelian variety.
2019年10月18日(金) 16:00-17:00 印刷用プログラム
- 山名 俊介 氏 (大阪市立大学)
“On exceptional zeros of p-adic L-functions”
- p進L関数の補間公式は, 複素L関数と p進L関数の値のズレを測る修正項を伴っている.
興味深いことに, この修正項が関数等式の中心において零点を持つことがある.
このとき (複素L関数の中心値が 0 でなくても)p進L関数の中心値は 0 になってしまう.
このような零点は例外 零点と呼ばれている.
楕円曲線のp進L関数が例外零点を持つには, pで分裂乗法的還元を持つことが必要かつ十分である.
このときのp進L関数の微分値と複素L関数の中心値の関係式が, Mazur-Tate-Teitelbaum に予想され,
肥田理論を使って Greenberg-Stevens に証明された. 本講演では, 三つのp通常楕円曲線に付随する三重積p進L関数の例外零点を決定し,
その(高 階)微分値と複素L関数の値の関係式を証明する.
これは台湾国立大学の Ming-Lun Hsieh 教 授との共同研究である.
p-adic L-functions involve modified p-factors which measure the discrepancy between the p-adic and classical special values in the interpolation formula.
It is a puzzling fact that this factor can vanish at the central point. Then the p-adic L-function trivially vanish at the point, and such a zero is called an exceptional zero.
The p-adic L-function of an elliptic curve E has an exceptional zero if and only if E has split multiplicative reduction at p.
The precise relation between derivative of the p-adic L-function and the algebraic part of the central value was conjectured by Mazur-Tate-Teitelbaum
and proved by Greenberg-Stevens. In this talk I will determine the exceptional zeros of cyclotomic p-adic L-functions associated to three ordinary elliptic curves
and prove an identity between double or triple derivatives of the p-adic L-function and central L-values. This is a joint work with Ming-Lun Hsieh.
2019年10月9日(水)15:00-16:00 / 16:15-17:15
通常と曜日, 時間が異なります.
- 15:00-16:00 Chan-Ho Kim 氏 (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)
“On the quantitative variation of congruence ideals of modular forms”
- We discuss a quantitative version of Ribet’s level lowering theorem for modular forms of higher weight and its application to Iwasawa theory.
This is joint work with Kazuto Ota.
- 16:15-17:15 太田 和惟 氏 (慶應義塾大学)
“On the quantitative variation of congruence ideals of modular forms II”
- This talk is a continuation of the previous talk by Chan-Ho Kim. We will discuss the proof of the main theorem on a quantitative level lowering.
We will explain ideas and key ingredients of the proof. This is joint work with Chan-Ho Kim.
2019年7月3日(水) 15:00-15:50 / 16:00-16:50 @九州大学伊都キャンパス ウエスト1号館5階 C-512
通常と曜日, 時間, 会場が異なります.
- 15:00-15:50 Tanja Schindler 氏 (Australian National University)
“Strong laws under trimming - a comparison between iid random variables and dynamical systems”
- Trimming, i.e. removing the largest summands of a sum of identically distributed (iid) random variables,
has a long tradition to prove limit theorems which are not valid if one considers the untrimmed sum - one example
is the strong law of large numbers for random variables with an infinite mean or in case of ergodic transformations
Birkhoff's ergodic theorem.
In this talk I will first give a background about trimmed strong laws of large numbers
for iid random variables and compare these results with some random variables obtained from ergodic transformations,
for example piecewise expanding interval maps and subshifts of finite type.
If time allows I will also give some insides into the proof for the dynamical systems results using the transfer operator method.
- 16:00-16:50 村上 友哉 氏 (東北大学)
(The Continuity of values of j-function at real quadratic points)
- 2009年に九州大学の金子昌信教授により 楕円モジュラーj関数の実二次点wにおけるある意味での「値」val(w)が定義された.
val(w)に関する既知の性質として, 金子昌信教授により2009年に予想されBengoechea-Imamogluにより2018年に解決された,
In 2009, Professor Masanobu Kaneko defined the value “val(w)” of the elliptic modular j-function at any real quadratic point w.
The values val(w) when w goes over all real quadratic points satisfy some continuity with respect to the continued fraction expansions
of real quadratic points. This kind of continuity was conjectured by Professor Masanobu Kaneko in 2009 and proved by Bengoechea-Imamoglu
in 2018. The speaker refined Bengoechea-Imamoglu’s method and proved a kind of continuity in a more general setting.
As a result, it turns out that val is away from the continuity in the Euclidean topology.
In this talk, I will introduce the results as mentioned above.
2019年6月14日(金) 16:00-17:00 印刷用プログラム
- 富安 亮子 氏 (九州大学)
(Application of arithmetic quadratic forms to mathematical crystallography)
- Kaplansky予想は、3変数正定値二次形式のZ上表現の集合が完全に一致するならば、
The Kaplansky conjecture asks whether it is true that if two
positive-definite real ternary quadratic forms have perfectly identical
representations over Z, they are constant multiples of some regular forms,
or is included in either of two families parametrized by R^2.
The result of our exhaustive search shows that some strong limitation is
imposed to existence of such a pair, although a small number of non-regular
forms is still contained in the obtained list of such quadratic forms.
Motivated by the question why the other infinite families were not detected
in the search, we prove that if two pairs of ternary quadratic forms have
the identical simultaneous representations over Q, their constant multiples
are equivalent over Q. In the proof, the parametrization of quartic rings
and their resolvent rings by Bhargava is used to discuss pairs of ternary
quadratic forms.
Since I have already presented the above result at several universities,
I'll also explain about a few problems in mathematical crystallography that
could expand the boundary of applied algebra and number theory.
2019年6月7日(金) 16:00-17:00 印刷用プログラム
- 福永 健吾 氏(大阪大学)
(p-adic triple product L-function attached to p-adic families of modular forms)
- 論文「Hida families and p-adic triple product L-functions」(preprint)の中で
Ming-Lun Hsiehは三つのprimitiveなHida family F, G, Hに附随する三変数のp進三重積L関数を構成し,
その補間公式を与えた. 私は今回F, G, HのうちG, Hを,
Hida familyをより一般的な保型形式のp進族に拡張した場合についても, unbalancedな場合に限り,
三変数のp進三重積L関数を構成することに成功した. 今回はそのp進三重積L関数の構成について話す.
In his paper “Hida families and p-adic triple product L-functions” (preprint),
Ming-Lun Hsieh constructed three-variable p-adic triple product L-functions
attached to primitive Hida families (F, G, H) and he proved an explicit interpolation formula
in the balanced case and the unbalanced case.
I constructed three-variable p-adic triple product L-functions for p-adic families of modular forms
(F, G, H) where only F must be a Hida family but G and H are allowed to be more general
p-adic families of modular forms and I proved an interpolation formula only in the unbalanced case.
I will talk about the construction of these three-variable p-adic triple product L-functions.
2019年5月15日(水) 15:30-16:30 @九州大学伊都キャンパス ウエスト1号館5階 C-502
通常と曜日, 時間, 会場が異なります.
- 菊田 俊幸 氏(福岡工業大学)
(On the structure of a ring of Hermitian modular forms whose Fourier coefficients are integers)
- Fourier係数が全て整数であるような1変数(レベル1の)モジュラー形式がなす次数付き環は, 重さ4, 6のEisenstein級数と、
In the case of modular forms with one variable (level 1), it is known as a classical result that, the ring of them whose
Fourier coefficients are integers is generated by the Eisenstein series of weight 4, 6 and the Ramanujan’s delta function of weight 12.
In the case of Siegel modular forms of degree 2, there is a famous result of Igusa what stated that such the ring is generated by 15 modular forms.
In this talk, the speaker introduces a result for the case of Hermitian modular forms of degree 2 with integral Fourier coefficients over
the Gaussian number field, that the ring of them whose weights are multiples of 4 is generated by 24 modular forms.
We remark that, such the ring of Siegel modular forms is generated by 23 modular forms by an easy conclusion of Igusa’s result.
2019年4月26日(金) 15:00-15:50 / 16:00-16:50
- 15:00-15:50 深作 亮也 氏(九州大学)
“包括的グレブナー基底系” (Comprehensive Groebner Systems)
- 計算機代数は計算機上で数式を記号的に扱うためのアルゴリズムを開発する研究領域である. 本講演ではパラメータを扱うような計算機代数手法である"包括的グレブナー基底系"を紹介する. 我々は包括的グレブナー基底系をパラメータ付きグレブナー基底として見做すことができる. より詳細に言えば, 我々は包括的グレブナー基底系を利用することで, 分割されたパラメータ空間と各空間に対応するパラメータ付きグレブナー基底を得ることができる. 本講演では包括的グレブナー基底系に関する性質を述べるとともに, それに基づいた"複素数領域における限量子消去"や"実数領域における限量子消去"についても述べる.
Computer algebra is a scientific area devoted to the development of algorithms for manipulating mathematical expressions. In this talk, we introduce the concept of comprehensive Groebner systems, which is a tool for manipulating parameters in computer algebra. They are considered as Groebner bases with parameters. We discuss properties of comprehensive Groebner systems, then introduce a quantifier elimination method based on the properties.
- 16:00-16:50 Ade Irma Suriajaya 氏(九州大学)
“リーマンゼータ関数の導関数の零点個数評価について” (Estimates on the number of zeros of the derivatives of the Riemann zeta function)
- リーマンゼータ関数の非自明な零点が全て臨界線上に存在すると予想され、この予想(リーマ ン予想と通称)は、リーマンゼータ関数の一階導関数の零点の分布を用いて書き換えられる。 具体的には、リーマンゼータ関数の一階導関数は 0 < Re(s) < 1/2 において、零点を持たないこ とが、リーマン予想と同値である。このことは、リーマンゼータ関数の零点分布において深い 意味を持ち、1935 年に A. Speiser 氏により示されたが、高階導関数の場合への拡張がまだ困難 である。それでも、1970 年代にリーマンゼータ関数の導関数の零点に関する研究が盛り、リー マンゼータ関数自身の零点の分布との関係もたくさん導かれてきた。この講演では、この研究 の背景となるいくつかの重要な研究成果および、この話題における講演者が行ってきた研究を 紹介する。特に、F. Ge 氏と最近得られたリーマンゼータ関数の高階導関数の零点の個数評価 の改良の報告したい。証明の流れを紹介する予定。
The nontrivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function are expected to lie on the straight line Re(s)=1/2. This conjecture is widely known as the Riemann hypothesis and a lot of equiv- alent statements are known. One of them is very closely related to the Riemann zeta func- tion itself, it says that the first derivative of the Riemann zeta function has no zeros in 0 < Re(s) < 1/2. This is a very striking and interesting result proven by A. Speiser in 1935 but nothing is known for the case of higher order derivatives. A lot of studies have been conducted on the distribution of zeros of the derivatives of the Riemann zeta function and I would like to introduce some important results, including my contribution to this study. I would like to focus on the recent progress I made with F. Ge and I hope to be able to introduce necessary details for the improvement we obtained.