Scientific writings by Takashi Hara

Last modified: March 31, 2016.

I here list my scientific writings (including my "youthful sins"). Rough classifications of the papers are as follows:

By subjects:

By methods mainly used:

Original research papers:

  1. Sheldon Goldstein, Takashi Hara, and Hal Tasaki.
    Extremely quick thermalization in a macroscopic quantum system for a typical nonequilibrium subspace.
    New Journal of Physics 17 (2015) 045002.
    ABSTRACT, and
  2. Sheldon Goldstein, Takashi Hara, and Hal Tasaki.
    Time Scales in the Approach to Equilibrium of Macroscopic Quantum Systems.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 111 (2013) 140401.
    ABSTRACT, and
  3. Takashi Hara.
    Decay of Correlations in Nearest-Neighbour Self-Avoiding Walk, Percolation, Lattice Trees and Animals.
    Ann. Prob. 36 (2008) 530--593.
    ABSTRACT, and PDF file (640 KB) of the final version published in Annals of Probability.
    (Older versions in In Los Alamos as /math-ph/0504021)
  4. Takashi Hara, Remco van der Hofstad, and Gordon Slade.
    Critical two-point functions and the lace expansion for spread-out high-dimensional percolation and related models.
    Ann. Prob. 31 (2003) 349--408.
    ABSTRACT, and PDF file (520 KB) of the final version published in Annals of Probability.
    (Older versions in Los Alamos as /math-ph/0011046, in Texas mp_arc, paper# 00-468.)
  5. Takashi Hara, Tetsuya Hattori, and Hiroshi Watanabe.
    Triviality of hierarchical Ising model in four dimensions.
    Commmun. Math. Phys. 220 (2001) 13--40.
    ABSTRACT , and PDF file (204 KB). The original publication is available on LINK (Springer's internet service, . (In Texas mp_arc, paper# 00-397.)
  6. Takashi Hara and Gordon Slade.
    The scaling limit of the incipient infinite cluster in high-dimensional percolation. II. Integrated super-Brownian excursion.
    J. Math. Phys. 41 (2000) 1244--1293.
    ABSTRACT , and PDF file (648 KB) (In Los Alamos as /math-ph/9903043.)
  7. Takashi Hara and Gordon Slade.
    The scaling limit of the incipient infinite cluster in high-dimensional percolation. I. Critical exponents.
    J. Statist. Phys. 99 (2000) 1075--1168.
    ABSTRACT , and PDF file (744 KB) (In Los Alamos as /math-ph/9903042.)
  8. Tatsuhiko Koike, Takashi Hara and Satoshi Adachi
    Critical behavior in gravitational collapse of a perfect fluid.
    Phys. Rev. D59 (1999) 104008.
  9. Takashi Hara and Gordon Slade.
    The incipient infinite cluster in high-dimensional percolation.
    Elec. Research Announcements of AMS, 4 (1998) 48--55.
    ABSTRACT , and (In Los Alamos as /math-ph/9805023.)
  10. Tatsuhiko Koike, Takashi Hara and Satoshi Adachi.
    Critical behaviour in gravitational collapse of radiation fluid --- A renormalization group (linear perturbation) approach.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 74 (1995) 5170--5173.
    ABSTRACT , and (In Los Alamos as gr-qc/9503007.)
  11. Takashi Hara and Gordon Slade.
    The self-avoiding-walk and percolation critical points in high dimensions.
    Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 4 (1995), 197--215.
  12. Takashi Hara, Gordon Slade and Alan D. Sokal.
    New lower bounds on the self-avoiding-walk connective constant.
    J. Statist. Phys. 72 (1993) 479--517.
  13. Takashi Hara and Gordon Slade.
    The number and size of branched polymers in high dimensions.
    J. Statist. Phys. 67 (1992) 1009--1038.
  14. Takashi Hara and Gordon Slade.
    The lace expansion for self-avoiding walk in five or more dimensions.
    Rev. Math. Phys. 4 (1992) 235--327.
  15. Takashi Hara and Gordon Slade.
    Self-avoiding walk in five or more dimensions. I. The critical behaviour.
    Commun. Math. Phys. 147 (1992) 101--136.
  16. Takashi Hara and Gordon Slade.
    Critical behaviour of self-avoiding walk in five or more dimensions.
    Bull. AMS. 25 (1991) 417--423.
  17. Takashi Hara and Gordon Slade.
    On the upper critical dimension of lattice trees and lattice animals.
    J. Statist. Phys. 59 (1990) 1469--1510.
  18. Takashi Hara.
    Mean-field critical behaviour for correlation length for percolation in high dimensions.
    Prob. Th. Rel. Fields. 86 (1990) 337--385.
  19. Takashi Hara and Gordon Slade.
    Mean-field critical behaviour for percolation in high dimensions.
    Commun. Math. Phys. 128 (1990) 333--391.
  20. Takashi Hara and Gordon Slade.
    The triangle condition for percolation.
    Bull. AMS. 21 (1989) 269--273.
  21. Hal Tasaki and Takashi Hara.
    Critical behaviour in a system of branched polymers.
    Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 92 (1987) 14--25.
  22. Takashi Hara and Hal Tasaki.
    Rigorous renormalization group analysis of φ4 field theory.
    Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 92 (1987) 26--45.
  23. Kei-ichi Kondo and Takashi Hara.
    Critical exponent of susceptibility in d > 4 dimensions. for a class of general ferromagnets
    J. Stat. Phys. 28 (1987) 1206--1208.
  24. Takashi Hara and Hal Tasaki.
    A rigorous control of logarithmic correction in four dimensional φ4 spin systems. II. critical behavior of susceptibility and correlation length.
    J. Stat. Phys. 47 (1987) 99-121.
  25. Takashi Hara.
    A rigorous control of logarithmic corrections in four dimensional φ4 spin systems. I. Trajectory of effective Hamiltonians.
    J. Stat. Phys. 47 (1987) 57-98.
  26. Hal Tasaki and Takashi Hara.
    Collapse of random surfaces in connected plaquette model.
    Phys. Lett. 112A (1985) 115--118.
  27. Takashi Hara.
    Construction of a nontrivial field theory in 3 dimensions starting from a Lagrangian of φ6-type.
    Prog. Theor. Phys. 76 (1986) 318--320.
  28. Takashi Hara, Tetsuya Hattori and Hal Tasaki
    Skeleton inequalities and mean field properties for lattice spin systems.
    J. Statist. Phys. 26 (1985) 2922--2929.
  29. Hal Tasaki and Takashi Hara.
    Mean field bound and GHS inequality.
    J. Statist. Phys.35 (1984), 99--107.
  30. Takashi Hara and Hal Tasaki.
    Fisher's inequality revisited.
    Physics Letters, 100A (1984) 166--169.

Conference Proceedings:

  1. Takashi Hara and Gordon Slade.
    Mean-field behaviour and the lace expansion.
    In Probability and Phase Transition, Proceedings of the NATO ASI on Random Spatial Processes, Cambridge, 1993. G.R. Grimmett ed. , Kluwer (1994). PDF file [292 KB]
  2. Takashi Hara and Gordon Slade.
    The mean-field critical behaviour of percolation in high dimensions.
    In Mathematical Physics, Proceedings of the IXth International Congres on Mathematical Physics, Swansea, 1988. B. Simon, A. Truman, I. M. Davies eds. , Adam-Hilger (1989).

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