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Construction of some Wach modules of rank 3
Takuya Nishisako (accepted date: 03/03/2025)
Q-abelian and Q-fano finite quotients of abelian varieties
Takahiro Shibata (accepted date: 02/25/2025)
Continuity of the Julia set of the H´enon map at a semi-parabolic parameter
Takumi Yagi (accepted date: 02/13/2025)
On divisibility of hecke eigenvalues of Ikeda lifts
Sanoli Gun and Sunil Naik (accepted date: 01/27/2025)
Transformations of order one and quadratic forms on wiener spaces
Setsuo Taniguchi (accepted date: 01/17/2025)
Real hypersurfaces with generalized ricci-bourguignon soliton in the complex hyperbolic space
Doo Hyun Hwang and Young Jin Suh (accepted date: 01/ 06/2025)
Canonical liftings of level two of tetrapods in characteristic three
Yuichiro Hoshi (accepted date: 11/18/2024)
Construction of one-fixed-point actions on spheres of nonsolvable groups III
Masaharu Morimoto and Kamil Smietaniak (accepted date: 10/22/2024)
Connection formula for the Jackson integral of Riemann-Papperitz type
Taikei Fujii and Takahiko Nobukawa (accepted date: 10/11/2024)
Harmonic mean on weighted herz-morrey spaces
Kwok-Pun Ho (accepted date: 09/30/2024)
On divisibility of class number of a real abelian field and Fermat quotients
Humio Ichimura (accepted date: 09/17/2024)
Existence of fold maps of 6-dimensional manifolds into R5
Boldizsar Kalmar (accepted date: 09/09/2024)
Weighted sums of rooted spanning forests on cycles with pendant edges
Hajime Fujita, Kimiko Hasegawa,Yukie Inaba, and Takefumi Kondo (accepted date: 08/22/2024)
Bailey pairs, radial limits of q-hypergeometric false theta functions, and a conjecture of Hikami
Jeremy Lovejoy and Rishabh Sarma (accepted date: 08/20/2024)
Capelli-type identities and b-functions of prehomogeneous vector spaces associated with sub-Hankel determinants
Hideto Nakashima (accepted date: 08/01/2024)
A proof of the extended double shuffle relation without using integrals
Shin-ichiro Seki (accepted date: 06/25/2024)
Asymptotic behavior of non-isothermal compressible nematic liquid crystal flows in infinite layer
Yuka Teramoto (accepted date: 05/27/2024)
On a proof of the convergence speed of quadratic recurrence formulas in the Arimoto-Blahut algorithm
Kenji Nakagawa and Yoshinori Takei (accepted date: 05/15/2024)
Stochastic homogenization of parabolic equations with lower-order terms
Man Yang (accepted date: 04/08/2024)
Borsuk-ulam property for graphs
Daciberg Lima Goncalves and Jesus Gonzalez (accepted date: 04/04/2024)
Deformation of the von Neumann algebras associated with a Yang-Baxter operator
Panchugopal Bikram, Rahul Kumar R and Kunal Mukherjee (accepted date: 03/11/2024)
Topological complexity of khalimsky circles
Ryusei Yoshise (accepted date: 03/05/2024)

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