For Authors

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  1. The PDF file of the article should be submitted by e-mail to the editorial office.
  2. The article must be written in English.
  3. The article should include:
  1. abstract no more than 300 words;
  2. 3 - 5 keywords;
  3. 2010 or 2020 Mathematical Subject Classification numbers.
  1. For submitting an article to Kyushu Journal of Mathematics, the authors must certify:
  1. the article has not been published before in any form except for a preprint;
  2. the article is not being concurrently submitted to and is not under consideration by another publisher;
  3. the article does not libel anyone, infringe on anyone's copyright, or otherwise violate anyone's statutory.


  1. The Kyushu Journal of Mathematics is a fully open access journal via J-STAGE.
  2. The policy for online publishment of J-STAGE can be found at its website.
  3. The online publishing is free of charge.


  1. All articles are refereed, and acceptence of an article for publication in Kyushu Journal of Mathematics indicates that the high standards of the journal have been met.
  2. Articles may be scanned by Crossref, a similarity checker.

  3. At the acceptence, the authors must submit the CONSENT TO PUBLISH AND COPYRIGHT AGREEMENT form.
  4. The authors will have the opportunity to review proofs.


Please send any query by e-mail to the editorial office.

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