- The fundamental group and the magnitude-path spectral sequence of a directed graph, One Day Workshop with Rachael Boyd on Algebraic Topology, Kyoto, January.
- Morse inequalities for noncompact manifolds, Saga Souhatsu Mathematical Seminar, Saga, January.
- Morse inequalities for noncompact manifolds, Kansai Algebraic Topology Seminar, Special Workshop on the ocasion of Atsushi Yamaguchi's 65th birthday, Tokyo, November.
- Golod and tight manifold triangulations, Workshop on Polyhedral Products, Toronto, Canada, July.
- Vector fields on noncompact manifolds, Advances in Homotopy Theory VI, online, June.
- Vector fields on noncompact manifolds, Topology, Representation Theory and Higher Structures, Isle of Skye, UK, June.
- van Kampen-Flores theorem for cell complexes, Kansai Algebraic Topology Seminar (Kyushu University), Fukuoka, March.
- Tight complexes are Golod, Shinshu Topology Seminar - Kansai Algebraic Topology Seminar (Shinshu University), Matsumoto, January.
- Tight complexes are Golod, Fukuoka Homotopy Theory Seminar, Fukuoka, January.
- Vector fields on non-compact manifolds, Transformation Group Theory Symposium, Nagasaki, December.
- The space of commuting elements in a Lie group and maps between classifying spaces, Algebraic Topology for Manifolds and Mapping Spaces, Okayama, November.
- Vector fields on non-compact manifolds, Homotopy Theory Symposium 2023, Osaka, November.
- Torsion in the space of commuting elements in a Lie group, Iberoamerican and Pan Pacific International Conference on Topology and its Applications, Puebla, Mexico, September.
- Tverberg's theorem for cell complexes, Colloquium (Kyoto University), Kyoto, June.
- Vector fields on non-compact manifolds, Topology Seminar (Kyushu University) - Kansai Algebraic Topology Seminar, Fukuoka, May.
- Golod and tight 3-manifolds, Advances in Homotopy Theory III, online, November.
- Golod and tight 3-manifolds, Homotopy Theory Symposium 2022, online, November.
- Golod and tight 3-manifolds, International Polyhedral Products Seminar (Princeton University), online, October.
- Tverberg's theorem for cell complexes, Math and Biology Seminar (BIMSA), online, September.
- Golod and tight 3-manifolds, Topology Seminar (University of Aberdeen), Aberdeen, UK, September.
- Tverberg's theorem for cell complexes, New Trends in Transformation Group Theory, Kyoto, May.
- Golod and tight 3-manifolds, Topology Seminar (Kyushu University), Fukuoka, May.
- Upper bounds for virtual dimensions of Seiberg-Witten moduli spaces, Kansai Gauge Theory Seminar (Kyoto University), online, February.
- Space of commuting elements in a Lie group, Homotopy Theory Symposium 2021, online, November.
- Torsion in the space of commuting elements in a Lie groups, Spaces of Homomorphisms and Classifying Spaces, online, September.
- Tverberg's theorem for cell complexes, Topological Complexity Seminar (Applied Algebraic Topology Research Network), online, August.
- Tverberg's theorem for cell complexes, 37th Algebraic Combinatorics Symposium, online, June.
- Tverberg's theorem for cell complexes, Kyoto-Kyushu-Shinshu Joint Topology Seminar, online, May.
- Cohomology of the space of commuting elements in the classical groups, International Polyhedral Products Seminar at Princeton, online, April.
- Tverberg's theorem for cell complexes, Toric Topology 2021 in Osaka, online, March.
- Relative phantom maps and rational homotopy, EACAT 8, online, December.
- Relative phantom maps and rational homotopy, Southampton-Kyoto Workshop II, online, December.
- Generating function and topological complexity, Kyoto-Kyushu-Shinshu Joint Topology Seminar, online, June.
- Golodness and polyhedral products for surface triangulations, Toric Topology Postdoc Seminar (Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences), Toronto, Canada, February.
- When is a polyhedral product a finite Postnikov section?, Workshop on Polyhedral Products in Homotopy Theory, Toronto, Canada, January.
- When is a polyhedral product a finite Postnikov section?, Fukuoka Homotopy Theory Seminar, Fukuoka, January.
- Higher Whitehead products in moment-angle complexes, Toric Topology 2019 in Okayama, Okayama, November.
- Higher homotopy associativity in the Harris decomposition of Lie groups, 3rd PPICTA, Chengdu, China, November.
- Higher homotopy associativity in the Harris decomposition of Lie groups, Southampton-Kyoto Workshop, Southampton, UK, September.
- Homotopy commutativity in localized gauge groups, Homotopy Okinawa, Okinawa, September.
- Mod p decomposition of Lie groups revisited, The Theory of Transformation Groups and its Applications, Kyoto, March.
- Whitehead Products in moment-angle complexes, Fukuoka Homotopy Theory Seminar, Fukuoka, January.
- The Stanley-Reisner functor for a poset, Discrete Geometric Structure Seminar (Hokkaido University), Sapporo, November.
- Right-angled Coxeter quandles and polyhedral products, Homotopy Theory Symposium 2018, Tokyo, November.
- The Borsuk-Ulam theorem, Hebei Normal University, Hebei, July.
- Mod p homology of the classifying space of a gauge group, Topology Seminar (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Beijing, China, July.
- Relative phantom maps, Algebraic Topology, Combinatorics, and Mathematical Physics (on the occasion of Victor Buchstaber's 75th birthday), Steklov Mathematical Institite, Moscow, Russia, May.
- On the homotopy types of Sp(n) gauge groups, Algebraic Topology Seminar (Kyoto University), Kyoto, April.
- Higher homotopy commutativity in localized Lie groups, Topology Seminar (University of Southampton), Southampton, UK, March.
- Homotopy theory of polyhedral products, MSJ Spring Meeting (Special Lecture), Tokyo, March.
- Right-angled Coxeter quandles and polyhedral products, Aberdeen Topology Seminar (University of Aberdeen), Aberdeen, UK, February.
- Right-angled Coxeter quandles and polyhedral products, Fukuoka Homotopy Theory Seminar, Fukuoka, January.
- Mod p homology of the classifying space of a gauge group, Shinshu Topology Seminar (Shinshu University), Nagano, December.
- Golodness of 2-dimensional simplicial complexes and polyhedral products, Topology Friday Seminar (Kyushu University), Fukuoka, December.
- Mod p homology of the classifying space of a gauge group, Homotopy Theory Symposium 2017, Kagawa, November.
- Counting gauge groups, 2nd PPICTA, Busan, South Korea, November.
- Mod p homology of the classifying space of a gauge group, Kansai Gauge Theory Seminar (Kyoto University), Kyoto, July.
- Right-angled Coxeter quandles and polyhedral products, Homotopy Theory of Polyhedral Products, New Jersey, US, May.
- Right-angled Coxeter quandles and polyhedral products, Algebraic Topology Focused on Transformation Groups (Kyoto University), Kyoto, May.
- Infiniteness of A∞-types of gauge groups, Topology Seminar (University of Southampton), Southampton, UK, March.
- Infiniteness of A∞-types of gauge groups, Workshop on Homotopy Theory and Singularity Theory, Sapporo, February.
- Primer on Adams operations, Kansai Gauge Theory Seminar (Kyoto University), Kyoto, December.
- Homotopy theory of polyhedral products, 63rd Topology Symposium, Kobe, July.
- Homotopy decomposition of diagonal arrangements, Toric Topology Workshop, Osaka, April.
- Samelson products in p-regular SO(2n), Algebraic Topology Seminar (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Tokyo, March.
- Homotopy decomposition of diagonal arrangements, Topology Seminar (University of Southampton), Southampton, UK, February.
- Samelson products in p-regular SO(2n), Fukuoka Homotopy Theory Seminar, Fukuoka, January.
- Decomposition of diagonal arrangements, EACAT6, Daejeon, December.
- Golodness and moment-angle complexes for 2-dimensional simplicial complexes, Algebraic Topology from Combinatorial Viewpoint, Ehime, October.
- Fat-wedge filtrations and moment-angle complexes, Toric Topology 2015 in Osaka, Osaka, June.
- Fat-wedge filtrations and polyhedral products, Geometry Colloquium (Hokkaido University), Sapporo, June.
- Infiniteness of A∞-types of gauge groups, Finiteness and Infiniteness in Homotopy Theory, Fukuoka, February.
- Homotopy decomposition of diagonal arrangements, Workshop and Seminar on Topological Combinatorics and Related Topics, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand, January.
- Tiling and Groups, Workshop and Seminar on Topological Combinatorics and Related Topics, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand, January.
- Homotopy decomposition of diagonal arrangements, Topology Friday Seminar (Kyushu University), Fukuoka, December.
- Topology and combinatorics of polyhedral products, ICM 2014 Satellite Conference on Algebraic Topology, Dalian, China, August.
- Homotopy decomposition of diagonal arrangements, Topology and Algebraic Structures of Transformation Groups, Kyoto, May.
- Topology of polyhedral products and te Golod property of Stanley-Reisner rings, Topology Seminar (University of Southampton), Southampton, UK, May.
- Homotopy decomposition of diagonal arrangements, Topology Seminar (University of Electro-Communications), Tokyo, March.
- Decomposing real moment-angle complexes, Toric Topology 2014 in Osaka, Osaka, January.
- Gysin "sequence" of a covering, Diffeology in Karatsu, Saga, December.
- Decomposing real moment-angle complexes, Topology Seminar (Kochi University), Kochi, December.
- Decomposing real moment-angle complexes, EACAT5, Beijing, December.
- Topology of polyhedral products and the Golod property of the Stanley-Reisner rings, Homotopy Theory Symposium 2013, Okayama, November.
- Topology of polyhedral products and the Golod property of the Stanley-Reisner rings, Barcelona Topology Workshop 2013 (J. Aguadé's 60th birthday), Barcelona, Spain, September.
- Homotopy commutativity in localized Lie groups, International Conference on Topology and Geometry 2013, Shimane, September.
- Hom complexes and hypergraph colorings, Applied Topology in Bedlewo, Poznan, Poland, July.
- Wedge decomposition of polyhedral products, Mathematics Colloquium, Kyoto University, Kyoto, May.
- Homotopy commutativity in localized Lie groups, Topology of Transformation Groups and Related Topics, Kyoto, May.
- On the p-local homotopy types of gauge groups, Fukuoka Homotopy Theory Seminar, Fukuoka, January.
Before 2013
... I forgot about it.