岩 瀬 則 夫 (いわせ のりお)
郵便宛て先:〒819-0395 福岡市 西区 元岡744 九州大学 数理学研究院
Toshiyuki Miyauchi and myself
We determine the L-S category of stunted quasi-projective space Qn,m = Qn/Qm for n ≤ 4m + 3.
As a special case of our main result, the L-S category of Q3 is determined to satisfy cat Q3 = 3, which is in a sharp contrast with the result catSp(3) Q3 = 2 by Fernández-Suárez, Gómez-Tato and Tanré [4].
Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of stunted quasi-projective spaces
(adobe-pdf file, 168kb)