Norio Iwase

Mailing Adress: Faculty of Mathematics, Kyushu University, Fukuoka 810-8560
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myself, Kai Kikuchi and Toshiyuki Miyauchi
Fundamenta Mathematicae 234 (2016), 201-227.
Let G be a compact connected Lie group and p : E → ΣA be a principal G-bundle with a characteristic map α : A → G, where A = ΣA0 for some A0. Let {Ki→Fi-1→Fi | 1 ≤ i ≤ m} with F0={∗}, F1=ΣK1 and Fm≅G be a cone-decomposition of G of length m and F′1 = ΣK′1 ⊂ F1 with K'1 ⊂ K1 which satisfy FiF′1 ⊂ Fi+1 upto homotopy for all i. Then we have cat(E) ≤ m+1, under some suitable conditions, which is used to determine cat(SO(10)). A similar result is obtained by Kono and the first author [9] to determine cat(Spin(9)), while the result in [9] can not assert cat(E) ≤ m+1.

Ganea's conjecture on LS-category (adobe-pdf file, 806 Kbytes)