2021 RIMS
Mathematical aspects of quantum fields
related topics

As one of the joint research projects of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences RIMS (Kyoto University), we will hold a workshop as follows.

・Date : 6th of Dec (Mon) 10:00-8th of Dec (Wed) 17:00

・Online workshop

・Organizers : Fumio Hiroshima, Itaru Sasaki and Hayato Saigo

【Registarion】 Registration for the online workshop [here]

【Online info】
Topic: 2021 Mathematical aspects of quantum fields and related topics

Time: Dec 6, 2021 09:00 Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo
Join Zoom Meeting

ID: 829 0527 8471
Passcode: 633619

Shohei Asida (Gakushuin univ.)
Hiroshi Ando (Chiba univ.)
Benjamin Hinrichs (Jena univ.)
Fumio Hiroshima (Kyushu univ.)
Un Cig Ji (Chungbuk national univ.)
Yohei Kashima (The Natural Math Exploration Laboratory)
Makoto Katori (Chuo univ.)
Shuji Machihara (Saitama univ.)
Yoshihisa Miyanishi (Shinshu univ.)
Shohei Nakamura (Osaka univ.)
Izumi Ojima (Research Origin for Dressed Photon)
Kazuya Okamura (Research Origin for Dressed Photon/Nagoya univ.)
Hayato Saigo (Nagahama bio univ.)
Noriaki Teranishi (Hokkaido univ.)
Kouta Ujino (Kyushu univ.)
Takeo Uramoto (Kyushu univ.)

【Kokyuroku=proceeding】 We have a plan to publish [Kokyuroku] after the workshop. Acknowledgments are requested to be included in the manuscript of the proceedings [examples].

【submitted by oinline】
・Manuscript for Kokyuroku is an online submission. Please submit your file to [here].
・More information about the proceedings from RIMS: [A] and [B].
・The format is as follows. The rest is free. The format is as follows.
  Format   A4+less than 18 pages
  Deadline 31st of March 2022


6th of Dec.(Mon)

10:00−10:50 Yohei Kashima (The Natural Math Exploration Laboratory)
Analysis of phase transitions in the BCS model with imaginary magnetic field
[arXiv1] [arXiv2] [arXiv3]

11:00−11:50 Mari Katori (Chuo univ.)
Hyperuniformity of the determinantal point processes associated with the Heisenberg group
[arXiv] [SpringerBriefs_freePDF] [RMTA_open_access]

14:00−14:50 Un Cig Ji (Chungbuk national univ.)
Evolution Systems and Continuity Equations for White Noise Functionals

15:00−15:50 Fumio Hiroshima (Kyushu univ.)
Newton Maxwell equation through semi-classical analysis

16:00−16:50 Benjamin Hinrichs (Jena univ.)
Existence of Ground States in the Spin Boson Model

7th of Dec. (Tue)

10:00−10:50 Kazuya Okamura (Research Origin for Dressed Photon/Nagoya univ.)
On the Schroedinger picture in C*-algebraic quantum theory

11:00−11:50 Noriaki Teranishi (Hokkaido univ.)
Time operators for quantum walks

14:00−14:50 Kouta Ujino (Kyushu univ.)
Exact Hausdorff dimension of the spectral measure for the graph Laplacian on a sparse tree

15:00−15:50 Shuji Machihara (Saitama univ.)
Spherical harmonics and Hardy's inequalities
[SN Partial Differential Equations and Applications 1,2020]

16:00−16:50 Shohei Nakamura (Osaka univ.)
Regularisation of functional inequalities via Fokker—Planck equation

17:00−17:50 Yoshihisa Miyanishi (Shinshu univ.)
The spectral theory of the Neumann-Poincare operator on convex domains
[arXiv] [SIAM J. Applied Math. 2021] [J.d’Analyse Math. 2021(to appear)]

8th of Dec.(Wed)

10:00−10:50 Takeo Uramoto (Kyushu univ.)
On the interplay between algebraic language theory, galois theory and class field theory: comparing physics and theory of computation
[arXiv1] [arXiv2] [arXiv3]

11:00−11:50 Shohei Asida (Gakushuin univ.)
Methods for accurate calculations of multi-center integrals of the squared Coulomb potential for lower bounds to energy levels of molecular systems

14:00−14:50 Hiroshi Ando (Chiba univ.)
Structure of bicentralizer algebras and inclusion of type III factors

15:00−15:50 Izumi Ojima (Research Origin for Dressed Photon)
Categorical Pursuits of Unknowns

16:00−16:50 Hayato Saigo (Nagahama bio univ.)
Quantum Fields as Category Algebras