Curriculum Vitae


Yosuke Morita (family name: Morita (森田), given name: Yosuke (陽介))


April 2023 —
Associate professor,
Faculty of Mathematics, Kyushu University
April 2017 — March 2023
Assistant professor,
Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University

Academic Degrees

23 March 2017
Ph.D. (Mathematical Sciences), the University of Tokyo (supervisor: Toshiyuki Kobayashi)
Thesis: A cohomological study of the existence problem of compact Clifford—Klein formsDOI:10.15083/00076099 ]
24 March 2014
M.Sc. (Mathematical Sciences), the University of Tokyo (supervisor: Toshiyuki Kobayashi)
23 March 2012
B.Sc., the University of Tokyo

Grants and Fellowships

April 2019 — March 2024
(originally April 2019 — March 2023, extended due to the COVID-19 pandemic)
JSPS KAKENHI, Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (Grant Number: 19K14529)
August 2017 — March 2019
JSPS KAKENHI, Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up (Grant Number: 17H06784)
June 2017 — September 2017
The Kyoto University Research Fund for Young Scientists (Start-up)
April 2014 — March 2017
JSPS Research Fellow (DC1) (Grant Number: 14J08233)
November 2012 — March 2017
FMSP Course Student

Honours and Awards

March 2017
The Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences Dean's Prize, the University of Tokyo
March 2014
The Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences Dean's Prize, the University of Tokyo
March 2012
The University of Tokyo President's Awards for Students
March 2012
Incentive Awards of the Department of Science, the University of Tokyo


February 2022
An organizer of The 7th KTGU Mathematics Workshop for Young Researchers
October 2017 — March 2021
An organizer of the Differential Topology Seminar at Kyoto University
