Kyushu University/Seoul National University - Statistics DS workshop

Supported by Kyushu University and Seoul National University & IDIS.    

About this workshop

Program (Round 1)

2:50~3:20 Koji Tsukuda Opening address / A study on estimation in the multivariate allometric regression model
3:20~3:50Gunwoong ParkCausal Discovery Using Directed Acyclic Graphical Models
4:00~4:30 Sunmin Oh Learning Algorithms for Directed Acyclic Graphical Models
4:30~5:00 Donguk Shin Foward Learning algorithm for High-dimensional Linear Structural Equation Models via l1-Regularized Regression

Program (Round 2) updated

3:00~3:30Kohei KawamotoSpectral clustering algorithm for the allometric extension model
3:30~3:50 Junhyoung Chung Learning distribution-free anchored linear structural equation models in the presence of measurement error
4:00~4:30 Soma Nikai A Study on Robust Covariance Structure Estimation with Precision Matrix Estimation
4:30~4:50 Youngmin Ahn A Robust Approach to Recover Gaussian DAG Models in Quantile-Based Data Discretization
5:00~5:30Hirai MukasaEquality between two general ridge estimators and equivalence of their residual sums of squares
5:30~6:00 Yuichi Goto Some hypothesis testing problems for non-negative integer-valued time series

last updated date: July 5th, 2024.