- Forthcoming articles
- Mukasa, H., Tsukuda, K. Equality between two general ridge estimators and equivalence of their residual sums of squares. Statist. Papers.
Published articles
[16] Tsukuda, K. (2023). Introducing results associated with Poisson approximations for the Ewens sampling formula with large parameters. Journal of the Japan Statistical Society, Japanese Issue 53 (1), 205--225, (in Japanese).
[15] Tsukuda, K., Matsuura, S. (2023). High-dimensional hypothesis testing for allometric extension model. J. Multivariate Anal. 197, 105208.
[14] Tsukuda, K., Matsuura, S. (2021). Limit theorem associated with Wishart matrices with application to hypothesis testing for common principal components. J. Multivariate Anal. 186, 104822.
[13] Tsukuda, K. (2020). Error bounds for the normal approximation to the length of a Ewens partition. Pioneering Works on Distribution Theory: In Honor of Masaaki Sibuya, 55--73.
[12] Tsukuda, K., Nishiyama, Y. (2020). Weak convergence of marked empirical processes in a Hilbert space and its applications. Electronic J. Statist. 14 (2), 3914--3938.
[11] Tsukuda, K., Kurata, H. (2020). Covariance structure associated with an equality between two general ridge estimators. Statist. Papers 61 (3), 1069--1084.
[10] Tsukuda, K., Mano, S., Yamamoto, T. (2020). Bayesian approach to discriminant problems for count data with application to a multilocus short tandem repeat dataset. Statist. Appl. Genet. Mol. Biol. 19 (2).
[9] Tsukuda, K., Matsuura, S. (2019). High-dimensional testing for proportional covariance matrices. J. Multivariate Anal. 171, 412--420.
[8] Tsukuda, K. (2019). On Poisson approximations for the Ewens sampling formula when the mutation parameter grows with the sample size. Ann. Appl. Probab. 29 (2), 1188--1232. Corrections(pdf)
[7] Tsukuda, K. (2018). Functional central limit theorems in L2(0,1) for logarithmic combinatorial assemblies. Bernoulli 24 (2), 1033--1052.
[6] Tsukuda, K. (2017). A change detection procedure for an ergodic diffusion process. Ann. Inst. Statist. Math. 69 (4), 833--864.
[5] Tsukuda, K. (2017). Robust parameter designs for reducing effects of noise covariates; a performance measure approach. Japanese Journal of Applied Statistics 46 (1), 1--11, (in Japanese).
[4] Tsukuda, K. (2017). Estimating the large mutation parameter of the Ewens sampling formula. J. Appl. Probab. 54 (1), 42--54. Correction: (2018) J. Appl. Probab. 55 (3), 998--999.
[3] Tsukuda, K., Nagata, Y. (2015). Asymptotic theory of Taguchi's natural estimators of the signal to noise ratio for dynamic robust parameter design. Comm. Statist. Theory Meth. 44 (22), 4734--4741.
[2] Tsukuda, K., Nishiyama, Y. (2014). On L2 space approach to change point problems. J. Statist. Plann. Inference 149, 46--59.
[1] Tsukuda, K., Nagata, Y. (2014). Robust parameter design for multi signals response system. Journal of the Japanese Society for Quality Control 44 (2), 83--91, (in Japanese).
- Fujimori, K. Tsukuda, K. Two step estimations via the Dantzig selector for models of stochastic processes with high-dimensional parameters. arXiv:2404.00888
- Tsukuda, K., Matsuura, S. Estimators for multivariate allometric regression model.
- Kawamoto, K., Goto, Y., Tsukuda, K. Spectral clustering algorithm for the allometric extension model.
- Tsukuda, K. Evaluating moments of length of Pitman partition.
- Tsukuda, K., Mano, S. A reversal phenomenon in estimation based on multiple samples from the Poisson--Dirichlet distribution.
Book reviews
- Tsukuda, K. (2024). Yoichi Nishiyama: Martingale Methods in Statistics. SUGAKU 76 (1), 105--111, (in Japanese).