岩 瀬 則 夫 (いわせ のりお)

郵便宛て先:〒819-0395 福岡市 西区 元岡744 九州大学 数理学研究院


M. Mimura and myself
We determine the L-S category of Sp(3) by showing that the 5-fold reduced diagonal is given by ν2, using a Toda bracket and a generalised cohomology theory h* given by h*(X,A) = {X/A,S[0,2]}, where S[0,2] is the 3-stage Postnikov piece of the sphere spectrum S. This method also yields a general result that cat(Sp(n)) ≥ n+2 for n ≥ 3, which improves the result of Singhof.

L-S categories of simply-connected compact simple Lie groups of low rank (adobe-pdf file, 204805 bytes)