岩 瀬 則 夫 (いわせ のりお)

郵便宛て先:〒819-0395 福岡市 西区 元岡744 九州大学 数理学研究院


M.Mimura and myself
Conference Proceedings.
"Algebraic topology" (Arcata, CA, 1986), 193-220, Lecture Notes in Math., 1370, Springer, Berlin, 1989.
The paper is organized as follows: In section 2 we define a parameter complex . Then the notions, -form and -structure of a map, are defined by making use of the complex in Section 3. In Section 4 we give an outline of the proofs of the fundamental properties P1) P10). In Section 5 we give some applications. In the last section, Section 6, we generalize the Zabrodsky theorem [Z1] and [Z2].

Higher homotopy associativity (adobe-pdf file, 1,979,363 bytes)