岩 瀬 則 夫 (いわせ のりお)

郵便宛て先:〒810-8560 福岡市 中央区 六本松4-2-1 九州大学 数理学研究院


myself and Michihiro Sakai
Topology and its application, 155 (2008), 1403-1409.
We consider the following questions: when can we extend a continuous endofunctor on Top the category of topological spaces to a fibrewise continuous endofunctor on Top(2) the category of continuous maps? If this is true, does such fibrewise continuous endofunctor preserve fibrations? In this paper, we define Fib the topological category of cell-wise trivial fibre spaces over polyhedra and show that any continuous endofunctor on Top induces a fibrewise continuous endofunctor on Fib preserving the class of quasi-fibrations.

Functors on the category of quasi-fibrations (adobe-pdf file, 530,140 bytes)