Building-up Differential Homotopy Theory


We are pleased to announce a workshop on Diffeology and its relationship with homotopy theory, from 4th to 7th of March, 2019 at Ito campus, Kyushu University in Fukuoka, Japan.

In early 70's, Kuo-Tsai Chen introduced an iterated integrals to study de Rham cohomology of the loop space of a manifold, and showed that his idea brings a smoothness structure on any topological space or even a set by using a convex body.

In late 70's, Jean-Marie Souriau gave alternative definition of smoothness structure on a set, using Euclidean domain instead of convex body, which is now widely-known as Diffeology.

In this context, many interesting ideas are developped and studied. The main purpose of our workshop is to provide an opportunity for topologists to communicate with each other to find out a way to build up differential homotopy theory.

We encourage young researchers in Topology to Join us.


This workshop is supported by JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research JP18K18713 (Norio Iwase) and a Grant-in-Aid of Research from Shinshu University (Katsuhiko Kuribayashi).


Welcome to our workshop  (4 - 7 March, 2019)


Left: JR Hakata Station

Right upper:

  Prof Iglesias-Zemmour

Right Lower:

  West Zone 1 Bldg. Ito

  Campus, Kyushu Univ


Serap Gürer

Tadayuki Haraguchi

Patrick Iglesias-Zemmour

Hiroshi Kihara

Akira Koyama

Takahiro Matsuyuki

Kazuhisa Shimakawa

Shun Wakatsuki

Jun Yoshida


Norio Iwase

  (Kyushu University)

Katsuhiko Kuribayashi

  (Shinshu University)


Toshiyuki Miyauchi

  (Fukuoka University)


Yuya Miyata

  (Kyushu Univeristy)

Sho Matsubara

  (Kyushu Univeristy)

Ryusei Yoshise

  (Kyushu Univeristy)