九州関数方程式セミナー 平成30年度後期講演

日時 10月19日(金) 15:30--17:00
会場 福岡大学 セミナーハウス 2階 セミナー室
講師 Neal Bez 氏 (埼玉大学)
題目 Smoothing estimates for velocity averages
概要 We discuss smoothing estimates for velocity averages of the solution to the kinetic transport equation using hyperbolic Sobolev spaces. The desired estimates will be shown to be equivalent to certain mixed-norm estimates for a Fourier multiplier operator associated with the cone. Such multiplier estimates have a tight relationship with Strichartz estimates for the wave equation. In this talk, we discuss these connections with an emphasis on a certain critical case. Based on joint work with Jonathan Bennett, Jayson Cunanan, Susana Gutierrez and Sanghyuk Lee.
