九州関数方程式セミナー 平成27年度後期講演

日時 2月5日(金) 16:00--16:25
会場 福岡大学 セミナーハウス 2階 セミナー室
講師 Corina Karim 氏 (熊本大学)
題目 Gradient Hölder regularity for nonlinear parabolic systems of p-Laplacian type
概要 We study a local Hölder regularity of spatial gradient of solutions for nonlinear parabolic systems of p-Laplacian type with some external forces in the right-hand side. We extend and apply a method of regularity estimate to obtain a local gradient Hölder regularity of solutions, in the degenerate case p≥2 and singular case 2m/m+2<p<2. We also show an optimal integrability condition on given external forces for local gradient Hölder continuity. Actually, our regularity result recovers the classical one in the linear case p=2.
