Automorphic Functions and Arithmetic Geometry: A symposium for Prof. L. Lafforgue's visit

Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan

26 March - 28 March 2013

Home Venue Program Abstract

Conference Rooms

I. The wokshop is going to take place at Graduate School of Mathematics, Kyushu University Ito campus (九大伊都キャンパス). (Buildings No 28 and 29 in the map.) Two very closed rooms are going to be used, namely, Seminar Room 1 (中セミナー室1) and Small Lecture Room 2 (小講義室2). These rooms are located at the 3 floor of our Science Library. However, you need to first enter to the Math building, before accessing them.

II. How to get to Ito Campus (九大伊都キャンパス) [Access1, Access2, Access3 (English)]:

A) From the airport (福岡空港から):

「福岡空港」駅 (姪浜・唐津方面行)→姪浜からJR筑肥線→「九大学研都市」駅下車、昭和バス「九大工学部前」行に乗車

B) From the Railway Station (博多駅から)

「博多」駅(姪浜・唐津方面行き)→「九大学研都市」駅下車、昭和バス「九大工学部前」行に乗車 or 「博多駅A」停留所から直行バス(西鉄バス「[急行]九大伊都キャンパス(工学部前)」行に乗車)

C) From Teijin (天神から)

天神」駅(地下鉄空港線:姪浜・唐津方面行き乗車)→「九大学研都市」駅下車→昭和バス「九大工学部前」行に乗車 or 「天神2B(ソラリアステージ)」および「天神北(3)」停留所から直行バス(西鉄バス「[急行]九大伊都キャンパス(工学部前)」行に乗車)

Home Venue Program Abstract