‹ãBŠÖ”•û’öŽ®ƒZƒ~ƒi[ •œ¬27”N“xŒãŠúu‰‰

“úŽž 11ŒŽ27“ú(‹à) 15:30--17:00
‰ïê •Ÿ‰ª‘åŠw ƒZƒ~ƒi[ƒnƒEƒX 2ŠK ƒZƒ~ƒi[Žº
uŽt ‹v•Û ‰p•v Ž (–kŠC“¹‘åŠw)
‘è–Ú On the large time behavior for a quasi-linear system of the wave equation
ŠT—v We consider the large time behavior of solutions to the initial value problem for a quasi-linear system of the wave equation. It is known that there exist some semi-linear systems of the wave equation which admits a global solution, but its large time behavior is actually different from that of any free solution. In this talk Ifd like to report an extension of this kind of result to a quasi-linear system of the wave equation.
