九州関数方程式セミナー 平成22年度後期講演

日時 1月14日(金) 15:30--17:00
会場 福岡大学 セミナーハウス 2階 セミナー室
講師 Soonsik Kwon 氏 (Department of Mathematical Science, KAIST)
題目 A remark on normal forms and the upside-down I-method for periodic NLS: growth of higher Sobolev norms
概要 We study growth of higher Sobolev norms of solutions to the one-dimensional periodic nonlinear Schrodinger equation (NLS). It is well-known that growth of Sobolev norm is at most polynomial rate by Bourgain, and other works. Here we use the normal form reduction and the upside-down I-method to reprove this and improve known result for some case. I will discuss the idea of normal form reduction and how we combine that with upside-down I-method. This is a collaboration with Jim Colliander and Tadahiro Oh.